The world feels more complex than ever right now. There’s more choice and more speed, and customer journeys are more convoluted.
For brands, there are more opportunities to reach new markets, diversify portfolios and expand into new categories. But that proliferation can come at a cost. Too often, clarity is eroded, confusion sets in and the compelling central idea that gave brands their appeal gets lost.
It’s a realization many teams are leaning into, with senior marketers recognizing it is incumbent on businesses in this era of complexity to be the beacons of calm and clarity for the benefit of the customer. And that’s why many are opting to embrace simplicity, a topic Marketing Week explores in depth in this Marketer’s Manual with our help.
Contained within its actionable advice from marketing leaders at Lloyds Banking Group, Ericsson, management consultancy Kearney and dairy group Tirlán – as well as examples from selected brands such as Airbnb, Aldi and Starbucks, which are executing simplicity with skill.
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