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While it is easy to consider a name as just another brand element—one of the many factors that shape consumer perception and buying behaviors—a name represents more than that. It is the first word of your story: a tangible asset. When it comes to developing names for businesses and products, people tend to underestimate the … Continued

Siegel+Gale Naming

S+G Blog

Walk that name back

While it is easy to consider a name as just another brand element—one of the many factors that shape consumer perception and buying behaviors—a name represents more than that. It is the first word of your story: a tangible asset. When it comes to developing names for businesses and products, people tend to underestimate the … Continued

Siegel+Gale Naming

How do logo styles evoke distinct brand perceptions and personalities for consumers? Siegel+Gale surveyed 3,000 respondents in the US and UK regarding logos for more than 100 of the world’s largest brands. Logos Now sheds light on the impact of memorable logos and how logo styles evoke brand perceptions and personalities for consumers.

Brian Rafferty

S+G Blog

Logos Now: What makes a logo design memorable?

How do logo styles evoke distinct brand perceptions and personalities for consumers? Siegel+Gale surveyed 3,000 respondents in the US and UK regarding logos for more than 100 of the world’s largest brands. Logos Now sheds light on the impact of memorable logos and how logo styles evoke brand perceptions and personalities for consumers.

Brian Rafferty

Our brand naming team reflects on why some of our favorite brand names happen to be entirely fictitious—from Looney Tunes' "Acme Corporation" to "Massive Dynamic" from Fox's Fringe.


S+G Blog

Brand naming: Eight great fake company names

Our brand naming team reflects on why some of our favorite brand names happen to be entirely fictitious—from Looney Tunes' "Acme Corporation" to "Massive Dynamic" from Fox's Fringe.


In SMPL Q+A, we interview practitioners on all things relevant to branding, design, and simplicity. Here, we speak with Blake Bäkken, Creative Director and Matt Hansen, Designer about our recent work for CalAnimals.  The California Animal Welfare Association (“CalAnimals”) formed in 2018 through a merger between California’s two statewide animal-welfare associations: California Animal Control Directors … Continued

Matt Hansen


CalAnimals: Rebranding a top dog in animal welfare

In SMPL Q+A, we interview practitioners on all things relevant to branding, design, and simplicity. Here, we speak with Blake Bäkken, Creative Director and Matt Hansen, Designer about our recent work for CalAnimals.  The California Animal Welfare Association (“CalAnimals”) formed in 2018 through a merger between California’s two statewide animal-welfare associations: California Animal Control Directors … Continued

Matt Hansen

Everyone’s got metal cards on their mind at the moment, whether they like them or not. While N26 and Revolut have already released metal versions, news of Monzo’s upcoming metal experiment and Apple’s titanium credit card US launch have got people in the fintech industry asking: why?


Media Mentions

The brand psychology of the metal card

Everyone’s got metal cards on their mind at the moment, whether they like them or not. While N26 and Revolut have already released metal versions, news of Monzo’s upcoming metal experiment and Apple’s titanium credit card US launch have got people in the fintech industry asking: why?


From improving a resume to gaining real-world job experience, interning is a vital stepping stone in every career. In fact, research reveals a clear connection between internship experience and job prospects. However, great work experience doesn’t just happen–it takes nurturing and time from managers and peers.  We were thrilled to once again host an ambitious group … Continued


S+G Blog

How I spent my summer vacation: 2019 Intern edition

From improving a resume to gaining real-world job experience, interning is a vital stepping stone in every career. In fact, research reveals a clear connection between internship experience and job prospects. However, great work experience doesn’t just happen–it takes nurturing and time from managers and peers.  We were thrilled to once again host an ambitious group … Continued


Behind every brand delivering simpler experiences for customers is a leader who recognizes the inherent value in keeping things simple. In Simplifiers, Margaret Molloy interviews business leaders who put simplicity to work. Here, Margaret speaks with Amanda Hill, Chief Marketing & Customer Officer, Harrods.

Margaret Molloy


Amanda Hill, Chief Marketing & Customer Officer, Harrods

Behind every brand delivering simpler experiences for customers is a leader who recognizes the inherent value in keeping things simple. In Simplifiers, Margaret Molloy interviews business leaders who put simplicity to work. Here, Margaret speaks with Amanda Hill, Chief Marketing & Customer Officer, Harrods.

Margaret Molloy

In SMPL Q+A we speak with Carissa Heller, Kristen Berry-Owen, Jenna Isken, Matthias Mencke, Sarah Grieb, and Aaron Hall about our rebranding work for FileMaker. The technology company engaged Siegel+Gale in April 2019 to create a modern brand that accurately reflects the business offerings, values and vision of the business.



Claris: Rebranding a leader in workplace innovation platforms

In SMPL Q+A we speak with Carissa Heller, Kristen Berry-Owen, Jenna Isken, Matthias Mencke, Sarah Grieb, and Aaron Hall about our rebranding work for FileMaker. The technology company engaged Siegel+Gale in April 2019 to create a modern brand that accurately reflects the business offerings, values and vision of the business.


In SMPL Q+A, we interview Siegel+Gale practitioners on all things relevant to branding, design, and simplicity. Here, we speak with Nick Miller, Senior Strategy Director, Deva Corriveau, Design Director, and James Barnes, Associate Director, Experience Design about our work with global cloud-native solutions provider Cloudreach. For more information about the branding partnership, read our press release. What was … Continued



Elevating the future of Cloudreach

In SMPL Q+A, we interview Siegel+Gale practitioners on all things relevant to branding, design, and simplicity. Here, we speak with Nick Miller, Senior Strategy Director, Deva Corriveau, Design Director, and James Barnes, Associate Director, Experience Design about our work with global cloud-native solutions provider Cloudreach. For more information about the branding partnership, read our press release. What was … Continued


 In this episode of Brand Matters, Lea Chu, Group Director, Naming, New York, discusses how a name can deliver on simplicity, the connection between emotion and language, and the importance of prioritization during the product and brand naming process. Lea Chu is Group Director, Naming at Siegel+Gale Brand Matters is a video series where our practitioners … Continued

Lea Chu

Brand Matters

On the power of naming

 In this episode of Brand Matters, Lea Chu, Group Director, Naming, New York, discusses how a name can deliver on simplicity, the connection between emotion and language, and the importance of prioritization during the product and brand naming process. Lea Chu is Group Director, Naming at Siegel+Gale Brand Matters is a video series where our practitioners … Continued

Lea Chu