This article originally appeared in ANA. We all encounter media and news. Papers, TV, online sources, news apps—the channels are ever-expanding. With one of the highest global consumer penetrations of … Continued

Emma Lewis

World's Simplest Brands

What’s breaking the news? A fresh look at experience perceptions of the media industry

This article originally appeared in ANA. We all encounter media and news. Papers, TV, online sources, news apps—the channels are ever-expanding. With one of the highest global consumer penetrations of … Continued

Emma Lewis

Senior Strategy Director, Patrick Kampff, draws on the tenth edition of World’s Simplest Brands to explore how the hospitality sector has weathered the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and used technology to win over some demographics.

Patrick Kampff

World's Simplest Brands

Digital innovation in hospitality makes for simpler customer experiences

Senior Strategy Director, Patrick Kampff, draws on the tenth edition of World’s Simplest Brands to explore how the hospitality sector has weathered the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and used technology to win over some demographics.

Patrick Kampff

How can brands in the automotive industry transform the consumer experience? The solution lies in merging experiential and educational moments, turning facts into feelings.

Miranda Wolf

World's Simplest Brands

How auto brands can transform the consumer experience

How can brands in the automotive industry transform the consumer experience? The solution lies in merging experiential and educational moments, turning facts into feelings.

Miranda Wolf

From where they shop to how they communicate, people put a premium on experiences that are easy to understand; transparent and honest; caring for and meeting their needs; innovative and fresh; and useful. In short, simple


World's Simplest Brands

In the news | World’s Simplest Brands Tenth Edition

From where they shop to how they communicate, people put a premium on experiences that are easy to understand; transparent and honest; caring for and meeting their needs; innovative and fresh; and useful. In short, simple


No one in the United States needs reminding that healthcare is complex, says Lisa Kane, Group Director, Strategy. Knowing which parts of the patient journey are simple, and which are not, can help improve customer experience.

Lisa Kane

World's Simplest Brands

Healthcare is complex, but patient interactions don’t have to be

No one in the United States needs reminding that healthcare is complex, says Lisa Kane, Group Director, Strategy. Knowing which parts of the patient journey are simple, and which are not, can help improve customer experience.

Lisa Kane

In the ever-evolving world of streaming, simplicity has been relegated to second billing. Jenna Isken, Group Director, Experience, examines the current era of overchoice.

Jenna Isken

World's Simplest Brands

Streaming services in the age of overchoice: finding clarity amidst industry complexity

In the ever-evolving world of streaming, simplicity has been relegated to second billing. Jenna Isken, Group Director, Experience, examines the current era of overchoice.

Jenna Isken

By taking a simplicity-first approach, airlines can resolve complexity and help alleviate some of the most stressful and painful moments throughout the passenger journey.

Amy Chen

World's Simplest Brands

How airlines can take off with simplicity-first solutions

By taking a simplicity-first approach, airlines can resolve complexity and help alleviate some of the most stressful and painful moments throughout the passenger journey.

Amy Chen

Siegel+Gale recently published the tenth edition of World’s Simplest Brands and EMEA President, Philip Davies, looks at what got grocery giant Lidl to the top spot.

Philip Davies

World's Simplest Brands

How Lidl became the world’s simplest brand

Siegel+Gale recently published the tenth edition of World’s Simplest Brands and EMEA President, Philip Davies, looks at what got grocery giant Lidl to the top spot.

Philip Davies

The brands in the Global Top 10 show that simplicity isn’t destiny or a part of DNA; rather, simplicity is the product of a series of decisions. And, when brands decide to be simple, they are rewarded handsomely by consumers the world over.

Margaret Molloy

World's Simplest Brands

Why simplifying might be the best decision you’ll ever make

The brands in the Global Top 10 show that simplicity isn’t destiny or a part of DNA; rather, simplicity is the product of a series of decisions. And, when brands decide to be simple, they are rewarded handsomely by consumers the world over.

Margaret Molloy

Since its launch. World's Simplest Brands has consistently determined the global state of simplicity. Our tenth edition proves that, now more than ever, how brands rank depends on the experiences they deliver. And delivering simple experiences — those characterized as easy to understand, transparent and honest, caring for and meeting consumer needs, innovative and fresh, and useful — is rewarded the world over.

Brian Rafferty

World's Simplest Brands

Delivering simple experiences has never been more important

Since its launch. World's Simplest Brands has consistently determined the global state of simplicity. Our tenth edition proves that, now more than ever, how brands rank depends on the experiences they deliver. And delivering simple experiences — those characterized as easy to understand, transparent and honest, caring for and meeting consumer needs, innovative and fresh, and useful — is rewarded the world over.

Brian Rafferty