Check out an exclusive breakdown of Logos Now on Adweek.

How do logo styles evoke distinct brand perceptions and personalities for consumers?

The findings will surprise you: Click here to download the report.

Siegel+Gale surveyed 3,000 respondents in the US and UK regarding logos for more than 100 of the world’s largest brands.

Logos Now sheds light on what makes a logo design memorable and how logo styles evoke brand perceptions and personalities for consumers.

As a fact-based branding firm, we are often asked by clients how to evaluate the success of a logo design. In order to provide insights on what makes logos successful, we set out to:

  •  Determine which logos are most memorable
  •  Measure the benefits of more memorable logos
  •  Establish the role of familiarity in logo associations
  •  Identify which personality traits different logo styles evoke